読者の皆さん、こんにちは。English description is after Japanese one below.
ではここで簡単に、作者の自己紹介をしていきたいと思います。私は幼少の頃から将棋を覚え始め、県大会などで何度も優勝を果たしてきました。更に後にはプロの養成機関でもある奨励会 に在籍した経験もあります。将棋歴で言えば、もうかれこれ三十年くらいになります。ですので、いわゆる世間で知れ渡っている将棋戦法のほとんどは習得してきました。このような体験を通して、私はある一つの真理にたどり 着きました。それは、将棋が上達するためには聖的な人間力を鍛える必要があると言うことです。
ここで私が言いたいのは、将棋を上達させるためには本質について自ら考え何らかの解を導き出すことが重要だと言うことなのです。答えが教えられるのを待っていては、いつまでたっても将棋は上達しません。まずは、主体的 に考動する習慣を身に付けましょう!
将棋指し 事の真理を 見極める
その行く末は 永遠の愛かな
Hello to all my readers.
If you are reading this right now, then you probably want to improve your Japanese chess. So here is an important preface.
From now on I will no longer write about tactics to win a game!
The reason for this is that there are so many of them on the internet and in bookstores etc. that there is no need to write about them here.
I will not write about tactics to win a game. From now on, I am going to tell you about a unique method that does not exist anywhere else!
Let me briefly introduce myself. I was born and raised in Japan.
I started learning Shogi when I was a child, and I have won many times in prefectural tournaments. I was also a member of the Japan Shogi Association, which is a professional training organization.
I have been playing shogi for about 30 years. So I know most of the shogi strategies. Through these experiences, I have come to a certain truth. It is that in order to improve Shogi, we must train our human power.
The Essence of Shogi and the Power of Thought
Before I tell you more about how to improve your shogi skills, let's go back to the beginning.
What is shogi?
There are probably many different opinions, and there is no single answer.
What I want to say here is that it is important to think about the essence of shogi and come up with some kind of solution.
If you wait for the answer to be taught to you, you will never improve.
First of all, you have to get into the habit of thinking and acting on your own!
In light of the above, I would like to give you my opinion.
Shogi is a miniature of life. In other words, shogi is like a mirror that reflects life.
What is human potential?
I would like to continue with a deeper examination of the essence of human ability.
What exactly is "human potential"?
I am sure there are many different ways of thinking about it, but I would like to define it as the ability to adapt to the needs of society.
I believe that there are effective ways to maximize this ability, and the most effective way to maximize this ability is to live according to God's Law. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you take the Sacred Human Ability Training.
How to Improve Your Sacred Human Abilities
I have already mentioned a little about the necessity of holy training, and now I will explain the concrete means in detail.
To put it simply, I recommend that you read the Bible first, because there you will find God's Law written in detail.
If you can really understand it, you will be able to understand the truth (The Principle of Shogi), which will be a great power of discernment. In such a situation, you will be able to make good moves naturally in any game.
How to Improve Your Sacred Human Abilities
I have already mentioned a little about the necessity of holy training, and now I will explain the concrete means in detail.
To put it simply, I recommend that you read the Bible first, because there you will find God's law written in detail.
If you can really understand it, you will be able to understand the truth (The Principle of Shogi), which will be a great power of discernment. In such a situation, you will naturally be able to make good moves in any game.
Realization of Shogi
Once you know the principles of shogi to some extent, I also encourage you to see the game of shogi more as a personal matter.
For example, suppose your opponent is your favorite person of the opposite sex.
If you win your opponent's king, it means that you will marry the person of the opposite sex. You might even want to have a sacred wedding ceremony when the king is at the end.
Or let's say your opponent is someone in your current business. In this case, you may want to assume that taking the other player's king is the only way to complete a deal.
From Competition to Co-Creation
In chess, we often think of defeating our opponent, but it is not really like that.
Let's try to think of it as creating something together. If we do that, we will get more productive results.
Let me conclude by summarizing what I have said so far.
1. Sacred human power increases the power of shogi.
2. Shogi is like a miniature of life
3. To improve your shogi skills, you must understand the essence of the game
4. To make Shogi a reality as one's own affair
5. To create together through Shogi
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
#将棋 Japanese chess