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Introduction about Taishiro Sonae

執筆者の写真: taishiro sonaetaishiro sonae

更新日:6 日前

It is April 13th, 2017 that I was born again and made a great turn to the LORD, Yeshua Messiah. Before this happened to me, I had been quite lost in darkness, wandering around the world in emptiness. From 2009 to 2016, after my graduation from college, I held many jobs and did as much as I possibly could such as financial planning, bank administrative, consulting, teaching, start-ups in overseas investments, being involved in all kinds of politics, studying at the United Nations, taking care of kids with disabilities, working in various kinds of real estate, and then doing nothing for years. I tried all I could to make my way but it all amounted to nothing. Then, He began to show me a way as He loved me first.

Some years ago I began to follow Him as a Christian, Bible reading, church, and prayer. It was/is on May 31, 2015 that I got a divine calling from J✞C to a church nearby and signed my signature on a New Testament Bible to make a private/public testimony about my faith in Him forever. Then, the time came for baptism followed by a Holy Communion and worship music in Christ. In my view, my baptism was/is the complete turning point for me to be born again and to be saved, still active in practice.

I believe that doing 聖事 is the way He has given me to go and to show His glory for those seeking the One. Therefore, I am willing to follow Him as He leads me whenever/wherever according to His will, not mine.

I don't remember the exact dates for my trips to Israel, but I believe that He's called me to go on these journeys in holy ways. The purpose for them is to go around Israel and to find the next steps to make a new life into this Holy Land with His plans. I believe that G-d is calling me to Israel because this is how my Christian life has been since the very beginning. Then now, I'm into a holy lady who is to be my beloved one forever. Amen✞אמן





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